Thursday, July 7, 2016

Development Update: 7/7/2016

Progress Update 7/7/2016:
- Setup a basic Healthbar in the bottom middle and anchored to bottom
- Setup visual component to Damage to ship with the blending material made previously.
TODO: I want to explore options with the 2nd material underneath the Hull of the ship, since seeing holes in the ship is cool, but there's no structure under it. I'll see if the best way is to make a quick lattice mesh with a "burnt" material looks good underneath. Maybe blend this one as well??
TODO: Setup Death state and explosion for the ship
TODO: Game Over Menu Screen
TODO: Save/Load
TODO: Asteroid Rounds

- Changed the explosion on Spore Cannon to use the Alien Reveal particle, but smaller, however large enough so the player can see it impacting the ship
TODO: I was trying to setup the Particles to "Attach" to the hit location when impact occurs, but I can't seem to get them to stick. Maybe I'll try to spawn an actor so I can attach the Actor rather than a Particle Component from DefaultProjectile.

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