Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Development Update: 7/20/2016

Progress Update 7/20/2016:
- WIP with Crater decal spawning after hitting earth and expanding out

TODO: New Particle Effect and try to lessen the lag spike upon impact on CPU

Progress Update 7/21/2016:
- Been having loads of problems with Bad RAM which has stalled alot of work. Had to go through and check each stick on by one with Memtest86. Found the stick and tossed it. Didn't feel like dealing with Fry's so I bought new sticks from Amazon. Fortunately it was only one stick that was bad so will be back to 32 gigs today.
- Because of the RAM fuckery, my 4.11 build was also fucked. Fortunately it was a good time to update with 4.12 so I updated the build to that and committing now.
- So after the 4.12 update, I knew something would be fucked with the shaders somewhere. Fortunately it was "relatively" easy to find. It was the Cloud Translucency vs the shadows that I was drawing. The Shadows were always displaying on top of the clouds for some reason, and wasn't sorting it properly within the depth buffer. To fix this, I made a Cloud Shadow stand alone actor that on the Construction script I had it set the Translucent Sort Priority to -1
NOTE: I also noticed too that when updating to 4.12 that alot of the post processing was back and I kinda liked it (except for the crazy eye adaption). So I might go back and tune those settings a bit so it really bring out the most of the environments

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