Thursday, March 31, 2016

Development Update: 3/31/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/31/2016:
Environmental Tweaks tonight
- Tweaked Atmosphere Fresnel to match that more of Google Earth 3D
So for fun, I took a quick screen grab of Google Earth and lined it up with what I had in game for comparison.

- Tweaked Ground to receive more ambient light for night (looks cooler IMO)

TODO: Setup Specular on Ground, Sun glare from terrain is terrible
- Tweaked Nighttime light to be a bit more yellow and glow more

- Tweaked Star Map to expose more of the Milkyway

- Setup proper Cubemap for "Skylight" to give some global ambient light
TODO: Clean up the cubemap folder from colors. Colors can be adjusted from the light values
- Added a new Marketing Camera shot "Earth_Sun"
- Some misc folder organization in level
Notes: Wow! Looking much Better!
Bugs: Noticed the Poles of Earth (North and South Pole) are having UV pinching and causing issues with the lighting. Looks very ugly. Will need to look at fixing this later on.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Development Update: 3/30/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/30/2016:
- Aim Offset working with the HUD only
- Using Scene Component instead of Billboard for AimOffset
- Throttle and Current Speed are translated onto Ship
- Throttle and Current Speed now showing on HUD
- Physics Simulation now working on Collisions

Apophis InGame Throttle AimOffset Speed 
(Full size video this time, but still haven't figured out the in game recording from Open Broadcaster)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Development Update: 3/22/2016

Progress 3/22/2016:
- Got Local offset on the Aim billboard working on Mouse and Gamepad input
- Found out the HUD can have the transparent Textures and look great
- Setup lookrotation to be the new input Rotation for the spaceship - See Video below!

- First time trying to setup Openbroadcaster with Unreal recording. Sorry for weird size shrink :(

TODO: Set HUD element to replace billboard. 2D space to 3D direction translation needed

Monday, March 21, 2016

Development Update: 3/17-21/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/17-21/2016:
- Been slowly working on the Input keys
-- W/S for throttle
-- Shift is for Afterburner
TODO: Create fuel value for afterburner
- Added HUD setup of the ship for Throttle
TODO: Change Afterburner bar to be Afterburner fuel. After burner amount is just for back end/thrust amount and particles later
- Also removed Mouse visual (cross hair) and added a texture setup to be used on the ship for aim point instead.
TODO: Texture and Mouse vs DPI gives a jitter on screen. Needs to be replaced with an input to delta offset based on input device (mouse/gamepad)
May 22nd - Finally got to finishing this with setting up the controller to be Delta Offset based. The rest of done awhile ago
TODO: Either texture overlay stays (not liking the non-vector setup that's causing aliasing) or go with a HUD element

Went with HUD element that works fine

Monday, March 14, 2016

Development Update: 3/14/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/14/2016:
- From Friday been tuning more of the materials on Earth
Need to create a cubemap to make it easier to control the light
Created a "Skylight" actor to take care of this
Find where the Eye adaption is for the game and clamp that - too extreme right now
Found this in the Camera settings and created a new "Stock Camera Actor" and "Stock Camera Component" with the nicer Eye adaption

- Created new Meteors from the Debris Maker 2.0 (Asteroids_3d.jpg)
- Have  high polys and low polys of Meteors

Bake Normal maps, etc.

- Created a test Meteor to place in engine for reference
- Did some small amount of blue print work to find the drawable cursor

Math to calculate screen space to convert to fly direction (Freelancer controls)
Maybe create an actor in front of the player that's used instead and take the direct input of the Mouse/Joypad to control it and clamp??
Used Scene Component and math to calc to screen space from relative location

Friday, March 11, 2016

Development Update: 3/11/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/11/2016:
- Implemented the Test Shader into Earth Orbit Map
- Recreated Ground 1-4 and night ground 1-4 textures
(auto mips at 4k, need to find a way around that for 8k rez)
- Implemented Atmosphere, Cloud and Ground shaders
- Created Actors to receive light from Directional light in level

Development Update: 3/10/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/10/2016:
- Tested created Planet Shader with Earth Textures
I used the following Tutorial to make Earth with this Planet Shader.

- Tested creating Sun Actor to rotate with Directional Light

Apply Planet Shader on massive Earth and also setup cloud+ Atmosphere Fresnel geo

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Development Update 3/8/2016:

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/8/2016:
- Early editor setup that began with the "Flying" template in Unreal 4.8
- Using a modified MWLL Sulla ship as placeholder for Player's Ship.
- Got Celestial Grid, Celestial Stars, Celestial Constellations setup on a SkySphere
- Got Planet Earth Diffuse setup with 4x8192x4096 textures (4 quadrants)
- Got Directional light and Sun working from Unreal skybox to work with stars

Progress 3/9/2016:
- Got Earth Night textures to overlap as emissive color on Planet Earth on all 4 quadrants
TODO: cull texture based on directional light