Monday, March 14, 2016

Development Update: 3/14/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.

Progress 3/14/2016:
- From Friday been tuning more of the materials on Earth
Need to create a cubemap to make it easier to control the light
Created a "Skylight" actor to take care of this
Find where the Eye adaption is for the game and clamp that - too extreme right now
Found this in the Camera settings and created a new "Stock Camera Actor" and "Stock Camera Component" with the nicer Eye adaption

- Created new Meteors from the Debris Maker 2.0 (Asteroids_3d.jpg)
- Have  high polys and low polys of Meteors

Bake Normal maps, etc.

- Created a test Meteor to place in engine for reference
- Did some small amount of blue print work to find the drawable cursor

Math to calculate screen space to convert to fly direction (Freelancer controls)
Maybe create an actor in front of the player that's used instead and take the direct input of the Mouse/Joypad to control it and clamp??
Used Scene Component and math to calc to screen space from relative location

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