Thursday, June 30, 2016

Development Update: 6/30/2016

Progress Update 6/30/2016:
- Been working on GDD for the game and outlined Main story points
-- WIP Main Features and ship listing
- New ship model to put into game. Will put into Engine soon.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Development Update: 6/7-8/2016

Progress Update 6/7/2016:
- Created Dissolve Gradient Effect in Transfer folder
TODO: Apply this to ships to show damage :)

Progress Update 6/8/2016:
- Proof of Concept For Damage on Ships
TODO: Remake Textures and setup proper UVs on ship to handle this

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Development Update: 6/5/2016

Progress Update 6/5/2016:
- Fixed up Collisions with Earth
- Created very placeholder impact effect and destruction of Meteors logic
- Setup Asteroids to burn up in Atmosphere (overlap event on the Earth_Ground actor)
- Created a very cool high rez crater decal and Crater Actor
TODO: Setup Logic to get size of asteroid and match that size for Crater
NOTE: I've setup the Asteroids to move with projectile movement. Not sure I wanna keep that and might remove it in hopes of finding a better solution to attracting things with gravity