Friday, September 30, 2016

Development Update: 9/30/2016 - Lights on Ship

Progress Update 9/30/2016:
Been really falling behind on these. I'll get back to this on the weekend. In the mean time.
- Birthday vacation
- Been playing around with FL Studios for songs (Placeholder ones??)
- Setting up lighting on the Player's Ship

TODO: Rename the ship

Monday, September 19, 2016

Development Update: 9/19/2016 - First Pass Lasers and Grub Texture Placeholder

Progress Update 9/19/2016:
- Been working on getting my Laser Beam working from my Unreal Marketplace project. WIP weapon setup

- Got a terrible placeholder material on the Grub so he can look similar to his younger brother the Spore.
TODO: Bake real normal map on him and get a better texture. Maybe look at getting Substance Designer/Painter?

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Development Update: 9/18/2016 - Alien Grub

Progress Update 9/18/2016:
- Been working on some new Alien concept models and came up with the "Grub" here.
-- This guy will be barfing out a Fusion Beam Laser after I get the weapons working the way I want.

Also made a Claw Variant here

Monday, September 5, 2016

Development Update: 9/5/2016 - PDI Contracts and Hangar

Progress Update 9/5/2016:
- PDI Contracts and Hangar WIP

Contracts Menu is where different countries offer Unlocks, Money, Favor, or Technology in exchange for the Player to do a Mission or build something. Below is a proof of concept layout of how I want it to look.

The Hangar is the menu to show the Player's current ship in their current docking port around earth. They will be able to manage their ship's loadout and will be able to swap equipment here.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Development Update: 9/2/2016 - PDI Defense Grid

Progress Update 9/2/2016:
- WIP PDI with Defense Grid.
TODO: Omg... need to setup 240 individual grid points :(
TODO: Oct 10 - Will need to revisit this since I've changed the lighting in the level now and this really isn't visible much anymore.
NOTES: This texture method overlapping works!

So I dunno, I don't quite dig this kind of setup. I'm trying to show a "Defense Grid" from this kind of view to should which areas have been covered by either Ground Telescopes or by Satellites. I'm not really sure if this is readable yet. I might have to come up with something else.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Development Update: 9/1/2016 - 4.13 and Burn Shader proof of concept

Progress Update 9/1/2016:
- 4.13 came out and I setup my BlendShader to use the UV output from LineTrace. This can be used for lasers shooting a surface.